What is a LASH?
LASH (lash) n
1. a long ass section hike
Methuselah is a MYTH LASHer.
Beatrice became a multi-year thru-hiker by eventually hiking the entire trail, one long section at a time.
Other ways to hike the Appalachian Trail:
Start at Mt Katahdin Maine, then hike southbound continuously until reaching Springer Mt Georgia.
It is recommended to access Mt Katahdin Maine between June 1 - October 15.
Pros/Cons of a LASH:
You control the date, length, and location of your hike.
It might be the only way a thru-hike gets done.
It's not the pure end-to-end thru-hike.
The time needed to commute to your missing section(s) becomes increasingly long.