The Maryland Challenge:
Hike all 41.2 miles of Maryland's Appalachian Trail in 24 hours
(Want to slow down and smell the bluebells? Try section-hiking Maryland)
(Want to hike a section of Northern Virginia instead?)
(Want an extra, extra bit of challenge? Try the #FourStateChallenge)
Are you doing the #marylandchallenge NOBO (northbound↑) or SOBO↓ ?
Here are some things to consider:
North End: MD/PA Border, Pen Mar Park, MD
South End: WV/MD Border, G.B. Footbridge, Maryland Heights, MD
North End: A hostel, Zero Day Stay (open April-July), is 0.3 mi away. Other stays are accessible by shuttle.
South End: Cross Trails Hostel is 1.5 mi away, Quality Inn is 1.0 mile, and other lodging is in Harpers Ferry.
Appalachian Trail Hiker Shelters, Road Crossings, and Shuttle Drivers
Here is a list of shelters, road crossings, and shuttle drivers.
North End: There is free overnight parking at Pen Mar Park (free pass req) and parking at Zero Day Stay (free for guests, $4/night for non-guests).
South End: It's not recommended to park in Lower Town Harpers Ferry. (Even if you have the $20 Harper's Ferry NP pass, there are rarely spaces available). Parking is plentiful at Harper's Ferry Nat Park Parking, but it costs $20.
The North End is a bit rocky and steep, the middle is rocky but moderate, and the South End is pretty easy (comparatively).
Next Day Care
Have a plan in case everything hurts a bit more than expected.
Since 2023, eleven twelve Zero Day Stay Guests (cheers Divebomber) completed their #marylandchallenge .
If you have any questions, please contact us.
You got this -- we can help.